Destiny 2 Forsaken Jokers Wild Review

We are in the final week of the annual pass content update associated with Destiny 2 Forsaken Jokers Wild. On June 4, we are heading to the Opulence season, the content known as Penumbra. In reviewing the wanderer season, we tried to make the situation slightly different. It's premature to review the season in two weeks because the content is progressively rolling out over the three-month period and has content for both the paid annual pass and the owner of the underlying game.

Destiny 2 Forsaken Jokers Wild Game Review

Of course, we started writing reviews every time we thought the content was silent. Bungie has come up with something else that players can do, earn, and track. It itself speaks about the wanderer's season. It keeps things interesting and fresh and keeps players from getting bored. From seasonal events to secret quests, there have been a lot of things to do in Destiny 2 over the last three months. 

One of the biggest things in the rattlesnake's season was to devote my knowledge of what I actually care to from the previous season. The legend of the black armory is interesting enough, but it was completely out of the left field and really did not match the legend. During the Drifter season, additional details about the mysterious game about Drifter and Gambit, one of Forsaken's most exciting add-ons, were provided.

The stories sprinkled throughout this season will not only have followed the mysteries that have been introduced before, but will also meet many of the things that people have theorized in Destiny 3. I have extended knowledge of the season of avoidance, especially our understanding of the universe and mystery. Of course, I created a new mystery.


The main content addition for this season was a cycle between Gambit Prime and The Reckoning and provided a gameplay loop that can be repeated again and again with the rewards leading to each other. The theory behind the activity loop was solid. The first bit was really exciting to be able to replace the motif on the calculations that could be used to get the armor that improved his abilities in Gambit Prime. What was not interesting about this loop was the excessive amount of fuzz, including the unnecessary lower armor (which was actually a separate piece of armor).

We also packed an already overflowing safe filled with duplicate equipment. With all classes, all Gambit Prime roles and three levels of armor, you need 180 armor. Bungie has already solved this problem with heroic armor last summer. So it was a big shock to see this problem this season. Each armor slot must have a single Gambit Prime armor with unlockable nodes for four roles and three unlockable upgrade tiers to get better traits.

You do not need to collect 12 helmets for each character. It was excessive. I destroyed the already ruptured safe. But the theory of gameplay loops was good, and I had to look back more time in a week. Drifter's season focused on Gambit games with unnamed people. There has been a fundamental change in the game's basic mode and a new peak version called Gambit Prime.

Prime has created a good bit of variety for Gambit with slightly different rules and the above mentioned armor privileges. Let the player actually lean on the specific role people played naturally. It brought two new maps that desperately needed Gambit, but could not play on two of Gambit's original maps.

About the session

On the other hand, retribution is far from "RAID replacement", which many players have been trying to do. I suffered too much in the meta as a big end game of the season. The encounter with Bridge had such a tight timing that one small mistake could ruin the entire run. Despite random matchmaking, few blueberries are found. I always wanted to play this game with my friends whenever possible.

Eventually I sighed when the gameplay loop sent me to The Reckoning. Unlike Raids, which I can repeat easily and repeatedly, The Reckoning did not capture the same energy and excitement. Still, Bungee confirmed that there is a lot of work to do. The invitation letter was not new at all. They were a glorious bounty that reveals the cool knowledge surrounding the Nomad and Nomad.

The Revelry Spring event was a big wave of power and it was a fun experiment to move the metamorphosis of the game for three weeks while finding a way for the player to get an almost infinite number of grenades, although it could shake the Crucible a little. melees, or class abilities. Revelry regains the excitement of The Reckoning. Because I did not feel clean in one build, the time margin was more generous.

Join the next season in Destiny 2 Forsaken Jokers Wild

There was also a lot of secret exotic weapons for the Thorn search associated with Drifter, Arbalest acquisition of Revelry, secret Whisper-style missions to obtain Outbreak Perfected, catalysts and games. Ruins of an exotic ship while visiting the ruins of an old tower again. Each newly added game continued to be interesting for a good few weeks, and the speed of the new release was consistent, so it was never boring.

The biggest omission of the Annual Pass approach appears in the form of missing new Crucible maps and strikes, which is a burden on the player's desire to continue playing the content. Of course, Bungie came up with a bunch of reasons for going into them. Nine invitations required various strikes. Player played this playlist due to pinnacle weapon.

However, there is no new content here. We used the same old Crucible map. We did the same old strike. Even one or two new maps or warnings may help keep these playlists fresh, but the annual pass method of delivering content places a laser focus on new activities.

I really do not miss the traditional story campaign on previous destiny expansion. I once tended to play them once (technically, technically, three times) and never touch them again. They are not for destiny, I like narratives in repetitive activities and things to do in time. I like to get my story through mane.

Though we did not make much effort to keep the past many repeatable activities appropriately, the seasons of swimming were really good. It does not matter if you have something to do in the last three months. Bungie's Destiny 2: Forsaken Annual Pass has been experimenting with content delivery in games designed to be played back repeatedly.

Steps by step guide

The Drifter season is not perfect, but we have taken a lot of steps to keep the player's interest and keep things fun. Bungie learns a lot from this experiment and is able to take the risk and enjoy a lot of freedom by being able to focus the game every three months. Bungie can develop and evolve that aspect of everything it gets. If everything goes wrong, you can get out of it when the game moves on to the next level.

Joker Wild taught a lot of lessons, but it was found to be worthwhile to experience everything in real time, rather than imitate the facts. Something big came and the rattlesnake season started to open the way for the future.